TC100 Tethered Cable Audio
TC100 Tethered Cable Audio
Providing Stationary Audio Indoors
The TC100 is a fixed in place tethered Audio Wand station. This platform is an ideal interpretive option for sites requiring a stationary audio that will not disturb the experience of other visitors. To receive audio messaging, visitors would use the tethered Audio Wand and enter a code to play the messaging.
The Audio Wand is tethered with a steel cable to an Interface Box. The Wand is powered via an AC adapter. The Pocket Plate is mounted in or adjacent to the exhibit in a client provided enclosure. The Pocket Plate holds the Wand(s) when not being used. The exhibit would contain a numerical identifier to identify which messages are available using the Wand’s keypad.
The messages are programmed into each wand’s mini-SD memory card prior to shipping.
The Wand can support up to 99 different languages or tours and 395,604 unique messages.
Each TC100 Audio Station Tour-Mate will supply the following:
- Tethered Wand (one or two per station)
- Mini-SD memory card (one per Wand)
- Steel Pocket Mounting Plate (with two pockets)
- Wall AC/DC Power Adapter
For full product information, please refer to the downloadable TC100 brochure and the TC100 product specification sheet.